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Headspace National AOD Strategy: a Roadmap for Delivering Holistic Care for Young People

Ballroom 2
Tuesday, May 13, 2025
2:50 PM - 3:20 PM


Josh Steicke, Headspace National


Josh Steicke
National Clinical Advisor- Alcohol And Other Drugs
Headspace National

headspace National AOD Strategy: A roadmap for delivering holistic care for young people


Alcohol and other drugs (AOD) is one of the four core streams that guides holistic care provided to all young people who access a headspace service. Research demonstrates a clear bi-directional relationship between mental ill-health and substance use for many young people. With this in mind, headspace has developed a National Alcohol and Other Drug strategy to support our workforce across the headspace network, and to guide our priorities when working with young people who use AOD as well as addressing barriers that a young person may experience when seeking support around their substance use or mental health. The strategy also guides our broader principles, practices and positions in relation to AOD. This presentation will outline the background to the development of the strategy, the sharing of the strategy as well as our priorities and considerations when implementing the strategy.


My name is Josh Steicke, and I am the National Clinical advisor for AOD at headspace National. My portfolio of work includes leading the development and implementation of the headspace National AOD strategy, supporting the learning needs of early career graduates as well as more senior clinical staff across the network, working to promote AOD initiatives which support young people who use AOD and also to develop and foster relationships between headspace and other key AOD youth centric organizations. I have previously led teams in mental health, including a youth enhanced service working with complex and severe mental health presentations