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Suicide Prevention: A Regional Approach to Implementing Mindframe

Ballroom 1
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
1:30 PM - 2:00 PM


Ms Alexandra Culloden
Project Lead

Suicide Prevention: A Regional Approach to Implementing Mindframe


Rates of suicide in Australia are higher in rural and remote areas than in major cities, they increase as locations become more remote and are increasing at a higher rate than those in capital cities.1, 2 Persons in rural and remote areas consume more media than those in larger cities including their local news, state and nation news and that received on social media.

It is well documented that there are key differences between Australian Capital Cities and its rural and remote regions such as lifestyle factors, social determinants of health and health outcomes3. Therefore, it is key that, in reaching and supporting rural and regional communities, the differences and needs within regional and rural communities are recognised and accounted for.

Since 2002, Mindframe, managed by Everymind, has been providing comprehensive national guidance and education on the responsible, accurate and sensitive portrayal of suicide and mental illness in mass communications.

Mindframe recognises the unique needs of regional, rural and remote Australia in regards to suicide prevention and works with communities on key messaging and safe communications about suicide and suicide prevention. Mindframe does this through various methods of applying and disseminating evidence-based guidelines and working with local media and connecting with the suicide prevention sector more broadly. This presentation will demonstrate, through the use of case studies, how Mindframe supports regional communities with safe messaging about suicide.

1.Australian Bureau of Statistics, (2017), 3303_0 Causes of Death, Australia, 2016.
2.Torrens University, (2016), Deaths from suicide and self-inflicted injuries, persons aged 0 to 74 yea rs, 2010 to 2014.
3.Hazell T, Dalton H, Caton T, Perkins D (2017) Rural Suicide and its Prevention:a CRRMH position paper. Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health, University of Newcastle, Australia.

Key Learnings:
1. Understand the importance of safe and accurate reporting and communication about suicide.
2. Understand the unique nature of messaging for suicide prevention in rural and remote areas .
3. Understand Mindframe guidelines and methadology and how this is applied to benefit rural and remote areas.


Alex recently returned to Everymind as Project Lead for the Suicide Prevention team. She has over 10 years’ experience in the mental health and suicide prevention sector and previously worked as Project Officer, Senior Project Officer and Project Coordinator with Everymind from 2012-2016. She holds a Bachelor of Psychology and Master of Public Health from the University of Newcastle. Alex works between Newcastle and Canberra with a focus on supporting Primary Health Networks and regional approaches to suicide prevention.
*Program is subject to change