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Violence Prevention Education on Global Scale

Ballroom Two
Wednesday, December 1, 2021
1:42 PM - 2:02 PM


Antonella Spatola, Esd Global Inc Asia Pacific


Ms Antonella Spatola
Regional Manager Asia Pacific
Esd Global Inc Asia Pacific

Violence Prevention Education on Global Scale


Systems of violence are complex so the solutions require more than just physical techniques. Empowerment Self Defence (ESD) is a holistic approach to personal safety which teaches tools to combat the whole spectrum of violence from verbal harassment to physical violence.

It is an evidence-based primary violence prevention system that teaches individuals how to recognise and interrupt violence by listening to the intuition assessing their options, asserting boundaries, using de-escalation strategies and provides tools for a range of psychological, verbal and physical responses.

Studies report that the majority of attacks can be averted using ESD skills even when an assault cannot be avoided. Survivors who have been previously trained in ESD recover faster, are more likely to report perpetrators and reach out for support.

ESD emphasises techniques that the average woman can learn easily and access in an emergency without having to think about the details.

So far ESD instructors have taught over 7000 people including victims of trafficking, girls at risk, rural women, social workers, refugees, students, mothers and daughters and more from all around the world.

ESD Global is a NFP dedicated to making ESD accessible around the globe through increasing public awareness of its profound benefits, providing instructor training to leaders who teach ESD in their communities, supporting research and providing program grants.

ESD Global Regional Manager for the Asia Pacific region, Antonella Spatola is organising and hosting Australia's first international ESD Global Level 1 train the trainer program in 2022 with 15 individuals representing over 10 countries.

ESD Global mission is to establish ESD as the key violence prevention strategy for women and vulnerable populations. We believe in prevention is better than cure. ESD Global empowers grass root and established organisations to integrate the principles of ESD into their current and new programs for their community needs.


Antonella is the Regional Manager for the Asia Pacific region with ESD Global, which is a NFP based in the US, dedicated to making the evidence-based system of empowerment self-defence (ESD) training accessible around the globe. She trains individuals and organisations in the violence prevention space to promote the principles of ESD within their communities, delivering training to the global community as a first-hand preventative method against violence. Antonella has a B.A.in Psychology, is a mediator in conflict resolution, a behavioural therapist for NDIS, facilitates workshops and schools and coaches women with a history of trauma.
