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Change in CALD Communities starts with Trusting Relationships & Co-design..

Norfolk & Karrie Webb Room - In Person
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
11:25 AM - 11:45 AM


Etty Garabelli, Blessing Innmae, Australian Refugee Association


Mrs Etty Garabelli
Project Officer
Australian Refugee Association

Change in CALD Communities starts with Trusting Relationships & Co-design


The Australian Refugee Association (ARA) has been working in FDV prevention with Refugee and other Migrant communities using a co-designed approach. We would like to present the core principles used in our Communities for Change and Stronger Men Programs and its benefits.
ARA acknowledges the diversity within CALD communities, so to build trust, these programs adapt to each of the communities we work with. Starting with a community consultation with bi-cultural workers and community leaders to learn what is culturally appropriate, sensitive, and safe. Then, co-design the program with trained community volunteers using a relational based approach recognising their strengths and wisdom.
The flexibility to meet communities where they are and the opportunity to co-create the programs, has proven to be a useful way to engage men who use violence in behavioural changing sessions and counselling, as well as empowering women and children about their rights to safety and equality.


Etty Garabelli is the project officer for Communities for Change & the New Arrivals Wellbeing Program at the Australian Refugee Association. Originally from Peru and Uruguay, Etty has been working with migrant and refugee communities for the past 6 years. Her lived experience of migration and domestic violence inform her work and strengthens her commitment to continuously educate, empower, and advocate for the different cultures that call Australia home. Etty also works as a counsellor supporting CALD community members in different areas such as mental health, settlement, FDV, living with a blood borne virus, gambling problems and parenting.
