MHAOD Reform - An Approach to Increase Capacity in Rural and Remote Areas in QLD
Bluewater I - In-Person
Thursday, November 7, 2024 |
1:55 PM - 2:15 PM |
Bluewater I |
Marie Kelly, Country to Coast PHN
Marie Kelly
Director MHAOD
Country to Coast PHN
MHAOD Reform - an Approach to Increase Capacity in Rural and Remote Areas in QLD
The undertaking to review and change the commissioning approach and the current investment in primary mental health AOD and suicide prevention services across three hospital and health service areas in Queensland commenced in June 2023. This presentation will undertake to present the case for change, the feedback from extensive community consultation, the solution development, the procurement phase and the impact that will be measured through an evaluation approach over the next five years. The focus of the reinvestment of the services that are commissioned considered how investing in streamlining the operational (indirect) investment should enable a greater investment in direct service delivery to the community. Priority populations, the missing middle cohort, an alternative to acute sector services in the afterhours space are all key to improving access in rural and regional areas.
Three Key Learnings:
1. Improving access to MHAOD services for rural and regional populations.
2. Change to commissioning practices.
3. Measuring outcomes over time through formal evaluation.
Three Key Learnings:
1. Improving access to MHAOD services for rural and regional populations.
2. Change to commissioning practices.
3. Measuring outcomes over time through formal evaluation.
Marie has worked in the MHAOD sector for thirty years in a variety of roles in the acute sector, the Department of Health and more recently in primary health. As a clinician/manager in the acute public sector (inpatient, acute care teams, community case management for 15 years) before taking a role in the Qld Dept of Health, Mental Health Alcohol and other Drug Branch. Marie returned to the acute sector to lead MHAOD services in Cairns and Hinterland before commencing in a MHAOD Director role within the primary mental health care sector in 2023.