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Protecting Farmer Mental Health after Natural Disaster

Bluewater I - In-Person
Friday, November 8, 2024
9:45 AM - 10:05 AM
Bluewater I


Kelly Barnes. National Centre for Farmer Health


Agenda Item Image
Kelly Barnes
Research Assistant And Workshop Facilitator
Western District Health Service - National Centre For Farmer Health

Protecting Farmer Mental Health after Natural Disaster


In response to widespread flooding in Victoria in 2022, the National Centre for Farmer Health (NCFH) provided mental health support to impacted farmers through the #BuildingFarmSpirit campaign utilising social media messaging, training for trusted advisors to better support stressed farmer clients, supporting community events fostering social connection and farmer wellbeing and using farmer voices and topic experts to produce tailored mental health messaging.

The social media campaign enabled effective disseminated simple, positive, solution-focussed messaging and inspiring video stories, and NCFH tools and resources on health and wellbeing. It also promoted flood recovery resources, services, events and information from other organisations.

Providing training to trusted agricultural advisors in the early months of flood recovery successfully informed and empowered them to recognise and respond to the stress of their faming clients, while raising awareness of useful resources and referral pathways. It encouraged prioritisation of self-care and establishing of clear boundaries to manage personal wellbeing and workplace stress.

Community events for farmers, were delivered in collaboration with various community, sporting and industry groups and provided an opportunity to socially connect and support personal wellbeing. Guest speakers with lived experience and/or professional expertise in mental health and disaster recovery, encouraged farmers to talk more openly about coping with adversity and stress, and to seek help or further advice when needed. The 60 events had a positive and protective effect on farmer wellbeing whilst strengthening community bonds.

To convey insights from farmers, NCFH created a Farmer Perspectives on Flood Recovery video and a collection of podcasts featuring experts on different aspects of wellbeing during flood recovery. These resources support disaster preparedness and offer guidance and support to farmers and their communities.

This presentation will highlight successes and challenges of the #BuildingFarmSpirit campaign, with recommendations for effectively engaging and supporting farming communities impacted by natural disasters.

Three Key Learnings:

1. Locals know best - partnering with existing community and industry groups is key to delivering successful and engaging events and providing appropriate support
2. Collaboration with other services providers enhances support service offerings and provides a support network for the service providers themselves
3. The recovery trajectory is different for everyone - timing of support services and initiatives should address the different needs at different times post disaster.


Kelly grew up on her family farm in the south of England working on farms and in shearing teams in the UK, New Zealand and Australia developing a passion for health and wellbeing in farming communities. She transitioned into agribusiness roles and completed education in Agricultural Health and Medicine. Kelly was named 2020 Victorian Agrifutures Rural Women’s Award winner with her innovative concept using working dogs as support tools building mental resilience and foster social connection in farming communities and now works as a research assistant and workshop facilitator at the National Centre for Farmer Health.