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As we head into our final keynote session for the conference, welcome to the stage Ivan Frkovic, Commissioner of the Queensland Mental Health Commission. A true champion for mental health equity, Commissioner Frkovic will shed light on the critical issue of 'Resource Allocation for Rural Mental Health Programs.' Get ready for an eye-opening discussion that could reshape how we approach funding and support for mental health initiatives in our rural communities. Following this, we have the honour of hearing from Dr. Tahnee Bridson, Queensland's Young Australian of the Year for 2022. Dr. Bridson will share insights from her groundbreaking work as the founder of Hand-n-Hand Peer Support Inc. These two powerhouse speakers represent the perfect blend of policy expertise and grassroots innovation. Their presentations promise to equip you with both the big-picture perspective and the on-the-ground tactics needed to drive real change in rural mental health care.

Friday, November 8, 2024
1:15 PM - 3:00 PM
Kuranda Ballroom



1:15pm – 1:45pm

Keynote Presentation Topic: Resource Allocation for Rural Mental Health Programs

Ivan Frkovic, Commissioner, Queensland Mental Health Commission

1:45pm – 2:45pm

La Dolce Vita - Learning from Adversity

Dr Tahnee Bridson, Queensland Young Australian of the Year for 2022

2:45pm – 3:00pm

Conference Closing & Prize Draws



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Dr Tahnee Bridson

La Dolce Vita - Learning from Adversity


The past doesn't dictate your future, but it can help shape it. This is my own personal story of rising through adversity. From being the underdog at school to battling anorexia nervosa as a student, it's been hard work. But these experiences inspired me to make some noise and help others. I now work with young people as a psychiatry doctor and I draw on my own experiences every day. What felt like the most impossible hurdle has made me a better and more compassionate doctor and human being. After all, it's the journey that counts, not the destination.

Three Key Learnings
1. You can achieve your goals regardless of where you come from or what adversities you face along the way
2. Lived experience is the greatest teacher of all... I should know
3. Imperfections are what make us human and beautiful – embrace your flaws and use them to grow


Dr Tahnee Bridson is best known for her work to reduce stigma, improve help-seeking and promote mental wellbeing as the founder of Hand-n-Hand Peer Support Inc. Tahnee experienced shame and stigma firsthand when she was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa as a university student. She rose through adversity and defied the odds by graduating top of her class. Her experiences were the inspiration behind Hand-n-Hand - so no one would ever need to go through this alone again. Tahnee is a psychiatry doctor from a small country town in Far North Queensland. Whilst she initially thought of pursuing a career in dance and music, she had a desire to improve the wellbeing and lives of others that led her down the path of medicine. Growing up in the country was no easy feat. She faced a number of barriers both at home, school and university. Overcoming her own adversities has driven Tahnee to support others from similar backgrounds so they can reach their full potential. Being a born and bred country girl, she is also an advocate for access to better healthcare in rural and remote areas of Australia. She is passionate about advancing the field of mental health through research and recently combined these two passions when offered a PhD position in Melbourne. More recently, Tahnee has advocated for the wellbeing needs of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic establishing a peer support network that provides free and confidential support to all healthcare workers across Australia and New Zealand. Tahnee's work was recognized by her home state, and she was selected as the 2022 Queensland Young Australian of the Year.
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Ivan Frkovic
Queensland Mental Health Commission

Keynote Address from the Queensland Mental Health Commissioner


Join us for this keynote address by the Queensland Mental Health Commissioner, Ivan Frkovic.

In this keynote you’ll hear about the current Queensland mental health, alcohol and other drugs and suicide prevention landscape and service and funding infrastructure with a focus on rural and regional mental health.

Ivan will also speak about reform work underway across the sector to champion early intervention, embed lived experience in the workforce and to support priority populations such as First Nations communities as well as challenges and opportunities for the future and the value of place-based and community-led solutions.

Three Key Learnings

1. The current Queensland mental health, alcohol and other drugs and suicide prevention landscape.
2. Reform underway in Queensland
3. The value of community in driving solutions


Ivan Frkovic is Commissioner of the Queensland Mental Health Commission and brings substantial policy, academic and patient-centred experience to the role, having worked in the Queensland mental health system for over 30 years. With a focus on strengthening partnerships and collaboration, he oversees delivery and implementation of the State's strategic plan for mental health, alcohol and drugs and suicide prevention - Shifting minds. Ivan’s experience across government and non-government organisations provides valuable insight to help bring all sectors together to focus on delivering better mental health outcomes for Queenslanders. He has made a significant contribution to community mental health through published papers and articles.


Lise Saunders
Event Coordinator
AST Management

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Justine White
Event Manager
AST Management
