Kuranda and Virtual via OnAIR
Mossman - In-Person
Bluewater I - In-Person
Bluewater II - In-Person
6:30 AM - 7:30 AM |
Sound Healing by Kate Godfrey, Crystal Bowl Sound Healing - Thursday Session Sound Healing is a holistic practice that uses various sound frequencies to promote healing, relaxation, and overall well-being. It is based on the belief that sound vibrations and frequencies can affect the human body, mind, and spirit, restoring balance and resetting your Nervous System.
If you’re an enthusiast or a beginner, everyone attending the conference is welcome to attend.
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM |
Day 2 - Registration Open
8:30 AM - 8:45 AM |
Conference Day 2 Opening Chair: Barb Walters, Conference Co-Chair
8:45 AM - 9:15 AM |
Making Ripples: Challenges Working Outside the Frame for Indigenous Youth Mental Health Professor Ernest Hunter, Adjunct Professor, The Cairns Institute, James Cook University, Cairns, Queensland
9:15 AM - 9:45 AM |
Empowering First Nations Communities: The Local Lived Experience Network for Cultural Leadership and Systemic Change Aunty Vicki McKenna, Head of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Lived Experience Centre, Black Dog Institute and Louise Salee, National Network Manager, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Lived Experience Centre, Black Dog Institute
9:45 AM - 10:15 AM |
Building Inclusive Mental Health Support for LGBTQIA+ Communities in Rural Areas Dr Christopher Rainbow, Research Fellow, SANE
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM |
Morning Tea With Exhibitors
Empowering Community Voices: Centring Lived Experience in Mental Health Service Provision Chair: Anita McRae
First Nations and Indigenous Mental Health Resilience and Equity #1 Chair: Celeste Russell
Improving Mental Health Support in Rural and Geographically Dispersed Areas Chair: Dr Anastasia Hronis
Environment Sustainability and Mental Health Chair: Myf Pitcher
10:45 AM - 11:15 AM |
Women’s Mental Wellbeing in Rural Communities: Challenges and Solutions Emma Iwinska and Bianca Blackmore, Women's Health And Equality Queensland
PANEL PRESENTATION - Assessment and Advancement of Mental Health of Young Indigenous People Professor Aleksandar Janca and Dr Zaza Lyons, University of Western Australia, Dr Ernest Hunter, YETI (Youth Empowered Towards Independence), Dr Siva Bala, Consultant Psychiatrist, and Kim Mulholland
Empowering Remote and Regional Mental Health: Innovative Practices and Strategies Sandra Volvricht, Kim Whitehead, and Dianne Van Giesen, CAMHS Northern Country
Supporting Students Following the Northern Rivers Floods. A Partnership Between Mackillop Seasons and NSW Education Lauren Brincat JP, Child Wellbeing and Mental Health Services, NSW Department of Education and Godelieve Hofman-Verkuyl, Mackillop Seasons
11:20 AM - 11:50 AM |
The Peacock Centre - A Built Environment Tailored to Support Best Practice Mental Health Care Peter Scott, Xsquared Architects
Panel Presentation continued
Co-designing Digital Wellbeing Support for Drought Impacted Communities Dr Michelle Sweet, Menzies School Of Health Research
The Rural Adversity Mental Health Program and Our Role in Natural Disasters in Northern NSW Steve Carrigg and Samantha Osborne, Northern NSW Local Health District
11:55 AM - 12:25 PM |
Gippsland PHN’s Lived Experience Pilot Program: “Leading the Way” Jess Edwards, Gippsland PHN
Empowering a First Nations Workforce, The Past, The Present, The Future Edward Mosby, Wakai Waian Healing
Bridging Distances, Fostering Connections: Overcoming Isolation in a Geographically Dispersed Workforce Rebecca Cort, Arches Foundation
Navigating Life After Bushfires: A Qualitative Analysis of Mental Health Discussions on the SANE Forums Dr Christopher Rainbow, Sane
12:25 PM - 1:30 PM |
Lunch with Exhibitors
Workforce Development in Rural Mental Health Chair: Kathleen Davey
Resource Allocation for Rural Mental Health Programs Chair: Dr Vicki Pascoe
Improving Mental Health Support in Rural and Geographically Dispersed Areas #2 Chair: Ailsa Rayner
Promoting Inclusion and Mental Wellbeing in Rural Communities Chair: Steve Carrigg
1:30 PM - 1:50 PM |
Evaluation of CoreConnect: A Professional Training Program for Provisional Psychologists in Regional NSW Zora Todoroska, Marathon Health and Nicole Sudmalis, Health in Mind
Getting Your Research Published: The Australian Journal of Rural Health Associate Professor Pim Kuipers, Australian Journal of Rural Health
How Does Remoteness and Rurality Impact the Factors of Ageing Well? Peach Robb, Charles Sturt University
What Discourses Shape and Reshape Men's Experiences of Accessing Mental Health Support? Philip Ferris-Day, Massey University
1:55 PM - 2:15 PM |
Mental Strength Fitness in Rural Mental Healthcare: Understanding the Neuroscience of Resilience Nikki Butler, Nikki Butler Consulting & Training
Social Recovery Approach for People with Psychosocial Injury or Illness in Rural and Regional Communities Dr Caroline Howe and Belinda Lucia, My Social Support Network
MHAOD Reform - An Approach to Increase Capacity in Rural and Remote Areas in QLD Marie Kelly, Country to Coast PHN
Learnings from Consultation to Implementation: Suicide Prevention Pathway in a Remote Hospital & Health Service Damian Garozzo-Vaglio and William Luthi, Torres and Cape Mental Health Service
2:20 PM - 2:40 PM |
Empathy Increased After Participation in the Hearing Voices That Are Distressing Simulation Workshop Carol-Ann Stanborough, Flinders University Dept of Rural Health
Rural Mental Health Strengths - Findings From ABS National Study of Mental Health and Wellbeing Annika Luebbe, Queensland Centre For Mental Health Research
Evidence-Based, Consumer Led Innovative Co-Design Through Healthy North Coast’s Mental Health Reform Project Aimee McNeill, Healthy North Coast
Caring for Carers in Rural Areas Sue Goodwin, Arafmi
2:45 PM - 3:05 PM |
Strengthening Rural Mental Health Workforce: Empowering Communities and Health Professionals In NSW Through the National Rural and Remote Suicide Prevention Program Cassandra Talbot, The Healthy Communities Foundation Australia
Overcoming Barriers when Recommending Digital Resources to Rural Clients Heidi Sturk, eMHPrac, QUT
The Therapeutic Alliance: ‘Bigger Than Us’ Collaboration to Deliver Primary Mental Health Care Dr Shelley Rowe & Jenny Sinclair, EACH
Mental Health First Aid, Empowering First Nations Mob to Deliver Courses in Community and Workplaces Lynette Anderson, Mental Health First Aid International
3:05 PM - 3:35 PM |
Afternoon Tea with Exhibitors
3:35 PM - 3:45 PM |
Poster Presentations Click to see the list of posters on display for the duration of the conference.
Join us for this inspiring Keynote Session Chair: Barb Walters, Conference Co-Chair
3:45 PM - 3:55 PM |
Sound Healing Brought to you by Kate Godfrey, Crystal Bowl Sound Healing
3:55 PM - 4:25 PM |
Change The Picture: Beyond the Stereotypes in Farmer Mental Health Steph Schmidt, Farm Life Psych
4:25 PM - 4:55 PM |
More Than a Walk in the Park, the Science and Practice of Nature Based Interventions Dr Miles Holmes, NatureFix
4:55 PM - 5:00 PM |
Conference Day 2 Reflection Chair: Barb Walters, Conference Co-Chair
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM |
Tropical Nights Networking Event You’re invited to join us at our conference networking event, poolside at the conference venue. Join us for an evening of great conversations, live music, local cuisine, drinks and entertainment. This is the perfect opportunity to catch up with friends, industry peers, sponsors and exhibitors.
Cost: Included in full conference registration. Additional tickets for day registrants and accompanying persons can be purchased for $82.50 (incl GST) per ticket.
Includes: Entertainment, light canapés and beverages