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Cultural Influences on the Creation and Use of Psychiatric Advance Directives.

Hui Ipurangi - Online
Monday, October 21, 2024
12:30 PM - 12:50 PM


Johnnie Potiki, Te Whatu Ora/ Health Nz Southern


Mr Johnnie Potiki
Consumer Advisor
Te Whatu Ora/ Health Nz Southern

Cultural Influences on the Creation and Use of Psychiatric Advance Directives


Little published research exists on how culture influences
mental health service users when they create or use psychiatric
advance directives (PADs). This column reports the
results of a study (N=38 participants) of cultural factors that
might encourage New Zealand Maori who engage in mental
health services to make greater use of PADs in their care. The
most important factor identified was the inclusion of family
and friends in decision making during PAD creation and use.
Discussions revealed multiple culturally important themes
that were synthesized into a conceptual model, pou herenga
(mooring place), which focuses on the importance of reassessing
all aspects of one’s life journey when creating a PAD.
Psychiatric Services in Advance (doi: 10.1176/appi.ps.20220565)


Johnnie works at the SDHB as a Consumer Advisor in Mental Health, Intellectual Disability and Addictions Directorate, He has graduated from Otago University obtaining a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre with a minor in Maori. Johnnie has an active interest in improving outcomes for service users, hence his motivation for starting this advance directive work.