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Tipu Ora Tiaki Whanau - Wellchild Tamariki Ora Enhanced Support programme

Whānau - In-Person Only
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1:30 PM - 1:50 PM


Segina Te Ahuahu, Manaaki Ora Trust


Mx Segina Te Ahuahu
Manaaki Ora Trust

Tipu Ora Tiaki Whanau - Wellchild Tamariki Ora Enhanced Support programme


The Tiaki Whānau model is a Kaupāpā Māori approach to hauora. The Tipu Ora Kaitiaki Model provides tailored support for mothers and their whānau. Kaitiaki build and maintain a relationship with whānau providing a bridge between cultural care, support and clinical care. The kaitiaki support the transfer of knowledge to enhance mothercraft and parenting skills of māmā with the support of wider whānau. Health care is provided through the ongoing support and expertise of experienced child health nurses and social workers who practice from a Kaupāpā Māori perspective.
The service works alongside hapū māmā and whānau through to new parenthood and beyond. The approach looks to enhance the intrinsic value of positive, nurturing relationship-focused support for new mothers and their whānau, addressing the complete physical, mental, emotional and social wellbeing of the hapū māmā and her pēpi.
The wellness aspects of the Model are delivered during visits including core WCTO checks and other identified supports needed for each whānau. Support includes education, social support, health, clinical support, onward referral and advocacy for whānau with other agencies.
The services offered ensure the right service is provided at the right time within a whānau-led service framework. The service model flexes to align with the needs of the whānau connecting with the service.
Tiaki Whānau commenced service delivery in November 2020 and has had 139 referrals and impacted on 334 people across households. Most māmā are Māori (79%); 91% are aged 20 or younger. The programme introduced support for papa in March 2023 to help them with forward planning and goal setting. The programme’s goal is to empower pāpā by fostering resilience, self-motivation and self-reliance. This programme highlights the importance of working from a whanau perspective, providing a broad range of wrap around supports, tailored to the bespoke needs of each whanau unit.


Kia ora, he mihi mahana kia koutou. Ko Segina Te Ahuahu ahau. He uri no Ngati Whakaue me Ngati Hine. Ko au te Kaihautu o Tipu Ora. Ko Tipu Ora Tiaki Whanau te kaupapa. Warm greetings to all. I work as a group manager for Manaaki Ora Trust, a kaupapa Maori provider based in Rotorua that delivers health, social services, education and mental health and addictions services. My professional background is in health commissioning, planning and funding, and health leadership. Our kaupapa focuses on a Tamariki Ora Enhanced Support Pilot, Tipu Ora Tiaki Whanau Teen Parenting programme.