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Integrating Ngardi Guwanda (Thinking, Feeling, Listening Strongly) Into Community-Led, Locally Driven Women's Empowerment Projects

Whānau - In-Person Only
Monday, October 21, 2024
1:50 PM - 2:10 PM


Bianca Stawiarski, Warida Wholistic Wellness


Mrs Bianca Stawiarski
Managing Director
Warida Wholistic Wellness

Integrating Ngardi Guwanda (thinking, feeling, listening strongly) into community-led, locally driven women's empowerment projects


Integrating Ngardi Guwanda (thinking, feeling, listening strongly) into community-led, locally driven women's empowerment projects – Bianca Stawiarski
Research, particularly health research on topics of First Nations health and wellbeing have a less than positive, and in some cases destructive impact on our families and communities. As a mental health therapist and Indigenous Healing practitioner, I have long advocated that we all have our own innate healing within us, and solutions to health and wellbeing approaches are stronger when we incorporate local-driven approaches that involve culture and connection to Country.

This presentation will explore the early stages of a current culturally-integrated holistic community-led women’s empowerment project occurring on Kaurna Country as part of the speakers practice-based PhD research with Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education. It will highlight the importance of locally-led, First Nations solutions to individual and community health and wellbeing, taking a strength-based approach while linking this to economic empowerment opportunities through entrepreneurship. This will also highlight the importance of undertaking detailed community ethics approaches, exploring the process that was utilised.


Bianca Stawiarski, a Badimia and Ukrainian woman, is a purpose-driven healer, mental health and Indigenous Healing practitioner. Founder of Warida Wholistic Wellness & Burany Press, she's dedicated to healing through a First Nations lens, improving mental health and economic empowerment through entrepreneurship. Her approach integrates her innate knowledge of healing combined with entrepreneurship to empower women and communities. Bianca is recognised for her work in shifting away from western medical models of dysfunction. A published author, award-winning entrepreneur, Bianca is undertaking PhD research with Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education integrating Ngardi Guwanda practices in community-led women's empowerment for entrepreneurship.