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Transforming from Hinengaro to Hineora: My Journey from Intergenerational Trauma to Intergenerational Healing

Hauora - In-Person Only
Monday, October 21, 2024
1:50 PM - 2:10 PM


Deanna Haami, Massey University


Miss Deanna Haami
Senior Tutor
Massey University

Transforming from Hinengaro to Hineora: My journey from intergenerational trauma to intergenerational healing


Within Aotearoa, colonisation has had a long-lasting impact on Māori lived realities. My doctoral research focused on understanding this impact from within my own lived reality, whereby I traced the origins of my own trauma experiences back through the generations to try and understand why I experienced such trauma. Through this process I was able to begin the reclamation process of all that had been obscured from both me and my tūpuna (ancestors), including ancestral mātauranga (knowledge) regarding what trauma is and how it can be healed. What I found was that understanding wairua (referring to spirit or the spiritual dimension) was central for understanding how both trauma and healing can be transmitted intergenerationally. This presentation will utilise digital storytelling to narrate the journey I took to come into this understanding, telling the stories of the four identities I embodied across my research – Hinengaro, The Obscured Daughter; Hineoho, The Awakened Daughter; Hinewetewete, The Daughter Set Free; and Hineora, The Healing Daughter. In narrating the stories of each of these identities, I hope to not only communicate the role of wairua in the transmission of trauma and healing, but also provide a map or wayfinding tool for others who have also inherited Intergenerational Trauma to navigate their own journeys towards attaining Intergenerational Healing.


Deanna Haami (Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Tapuika, Ngāti Pikiao, Tūhourangi, Te Wainui a Rua, Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Maru ki Hauraki, Pākehā) is a PhD Student and Senior Tutor affiliated with the Centre for Indigenous Psychologies at Massey University.