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Support whànau to engage in the kaupapa of growing your own food

Danggalaba (Saltwater crocodile)
Monday, October 30, 2023
11:25 AM - 11:45 AM


Gina-Lee Duncan, Kòanga Kai


Agenda Item Image
Gina-Lee Duncan
Kaitiri Mātauranga Whānau Ora Champion
Te Putahitanga

Support whànau to engage in the kaupapa of growing your own food


Presentation will consist of a power point and speaking to the photos and evidence shown.
I will start from my whakapapa and why I am who I am today, and give acknowledgement to the people of which I stand on their whenua. I will speak to my personal experience in why I do the work I do today, and the influence of having A person who believes in you.
The description of the kaupapa is for agencies and providers to enhance a understanding that investment directly within whànau, from an idea or desire that has come directly from whànau will be a sustainable investment when we believe that our whànau our people have all the abilities and solutions to create a world that the determine to be better than their current situation.
A whànau centred approach.
I will then speak of the Kòanga kai programme that was established from the Covid pandemic as a way to enhance self determination from a time that was submerged in hand outs and especially in the food voucher mentality, which only ideally is a band aid on support and creates wealth amongst the already wealthy, (Super market chains )
Our approach was to support whànau within their homes, communities and regions to grow their own food. Takeaway the barriers to food costs, health issues, and creating a safe space of an activity that whànau of all ages can create, maintain and benefit from. In a time of isolation and ill health, it was time to empower, strengthen self determination within whànau and social supports which contribute to positive health practices, Whànau, Family, Tinana, Physical, Wairua, Spiritual, Hinengaro, Mind encompassing a (w) holistic wealth. This encouraged whànau to feel more confident and empowered about their own health journey, enhanced participation in the health sector, increased nutrition, and prevention of illness and massive behavioural changes.
Creating a Maara kai food garden, by way of Màtauranga Màori approaches, karakia, pùrakau, maara Rongoa, Te Reo, and cultural practices, the holistic approach is the understanding of multidimensional role of kai ( food ) in the wellbeing of our people, whenua, land, and environment.
This encourages the thoughts of sovereignty – seed soil and food… and within us as a peoples, or indigenous people.


What started as a seed of an idea, has grown into a large South Island network that is now feeding hundreds of whānau. Kaitiri Mātauranga – Whānau Ora Champion, works for the South Island Whānau ora commissioning agency Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu Gina-Lee Duncan, has championed Kōanga Kai from the beginning. Now, she says, it is time to take it to the next level, to continue to grow, while a focus is on seed and soil sovereignty, that compliments kai and hauora.