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Road Trip Trauma Therapy

Boetdoemba (Sea Eagle)
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
2:25 PM - 2:45 PM


Daryl Hobbs, Nootyoong Mara Cultural Healing Centre


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Daryl Hobbs
Senior Psychologist
Winda-mara Aboriginal Corporation

Road Trip Trauma Therapy


RTTT is mindful of generational, developmental, and experiential trauma that can overwhelm the nervous system.
An additional element of trauma is its impact on time. This can be borne out as difficulty in past, present, and future in various ways.
RTTT is a therapeutic model that uses the metaphor of a road trip to give thought and language to past, present, and future as well as occasions of all three co-occurring.


Daryl is a Senior Psychologist who has worked across 3 aboriginal communities of Gunditjmara Nation SW Victoria, for the past 7yrs. This followed a 17 year history of on-call work in both public psychiatry & the disability sector. He has qualified in Psychology, Human Biology, Family Therapy (Indigenous), Theology, and ….. Motorcycle Mechanic? Daryl has had extensive international training and membership in areas of complex trauma informed care, that is energised by lived experience. He currently has a lead clinical role in 2 multidisciplinary teams founded on Maslow’s hierarchy of need – derived from the Siksika (Blackfoot) way of life.