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Addressing Cultural Capability and Attitudes in Government Agencies

Boetdoemba (Sea Eagle)
Monday, October 30, 2023
3:45 PM - 4:05 PM


Shannon Cook, Shadowlight Solutions


Agenda Item Image
Mr Shannon Cook
Shadowlight Solutions

Addressing cultural capability and attitudes in government agencies


As a former senior government executive, I have witnessed first-hand the importance of cultural capability and safety within Australian government agencies. Our country is a melting pot of diverse cultures, and it is essential for government agencies to understand and respect the unique needs of each community they serve.

In this presentation, I will cover the concept of cultural capability and safety, highlighting the significance of cultural awareness, sensitivity, and competence within government agencies. I will discuss the impact that cultural competence has on policy development, program implementation, and service delivery, and how it can enhance the overall effectiveness of government agencies.

We will explore examples from agencies that have demonstrated successful cultural competence in their practices, highlighting the strategies they employed and the results they achieved. We will also explore the examples and challenges that can arise when government agencies lack cultural capability and safety, and the potential consequences that may result.

Furthermore, we will delve into the importance of cultural safety in government agencies, particularly for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, who have unique cultural needs that must be respected and valued. We will discuss the role of government agencies in ensuring cultural safety and how they can establish effective partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Finally, I will provide practical tips and strategies for government agencies to enhance their cultural capability and safety, as well as tips for anyone looking to contribute to improving things.

In conclusion, this presentation will provide invaluable insights into the importance of cultural capability and safety within Australian government agencies. As a former senior government executive, I have seen the benefits that cultural competence can bring to government agencies, and I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience to help create a more inclusive and respectful government sector.


Shannon Cook is an accomplished public sector leader and has spent time leading corporate and human resource functions in multiple government agencies. These include Education, Health, Treasury, Transport, Premier & Cabinet, Child Safety and as Deputy Commissioner with the Queensland Public Service Commission. He has introduced significant policy and legislative reform and is a passionate advocate for improving cultural capability within government. Shannon's maternal family hails from Kadavu Island in Fiji (via Suva) and is mixed with Indian and Chinese heritage. His paternal family comes from England. He is the proud father of a six year old son with Autism.