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A Strengths-Based Exploration of Integrated Care in Specialist Mental Health and Addiction Services in Aotearoa

Diamond Ballroom II: In-Person Only
Thursday, June 5, 2025
2:05 PM - 2:25 PM


Brooke Craik, University Of Otago


Agenda Item Image
Mrs Brooke Craik
University Of Otago

A Strengths-Based Exploration of Integrated Care in Specialist Mental Health and Addiction Services in Aotearoa


Integrated care is being increasingly recommended as an approach to improve outcomes and achieve equity for people living with serious mental illness and/or addiction in Aotearoa New Zealand. However, little is known about how integrated care can be achieved in practice, including factors that support successful implementation within specialist mental health and addiction services.

Employing a strengths-based approach, this study aimed to identify and understand areas of integrated care strength within a regional specialist mental health and addiction service, including specifically for Māori (Indigenous peoples of Aotearoa). The study utilised a qualitative multiple-case study design which involved in-depth case site visits with eight teams identified as having integrated care strengths (following an earlier quantitative survey). Case site visits included interviews with specialist mental health and addiction staff (n=74), interviews with service users (n=19), and were followed by a second visit for participant feedback meetings. Data have been analysed and interpreted with reference to guiding theoretical frameworks/models, and with input from people with lived experience and Māori.

This presentation will provide an overview of the study findings and discuss how, in practice, people-centred integrated care is delivered in the participating mental health and addiction teams. It will include a discussion of the strategies and approaches staff use to coordinate with others in their team and other services (including physical health services and social services). The presentation will also describe reported barriers and facilitators. Attendees will be encouraged to reflect on how services can best be designed and configured to enhance the delivery of integrated care, and in turn, improve outcomes for service users.

Three Key Learnings:
1. Strategies and approaches currently utilised within a specialist mental health and addiction service in Aotearoa to deliver integrated care.
2. Barriers and facilitators to integrated care delivery within a specialist mental health and addiction service.
3. Insights into possible opportunities to improve the delivery of integrated care within specialist mental health and addiction services.


Mrs Brooke Craik (BSc, DPH, MPH) is a Pākehā New Zealander who was born and raised in Ōtepoti, Dunedin. She is a qualitative health researcher with a focus on care integration and quality within mental health and addiction services, and mental health promotion. Currently, Brooke is a PhD candidate affiliated to the Ngāi Tahu Māori Health Research Unit at the University of Otago. Her project seeks to understand integrated or ‘joined up’ care occurring within specialist mental health and addiction services in the Southern region of Aotearoa New Zealand.