Children of High Conflict Divorce: Exploring the Experiences of School Teachers
Norfolk Hall
Monday, March 20, 2023 |
11:50 AM - 12:10 PM |
Stella Laletas, Monash University
Stella Laletas
Senior Lecturer And Researcher
Monash University
Children of High Conflict Divorce: Exploring the Experiences of School Teachers
The effects of ongoing parental conflict after divorce is particularly difficult on school aged children. Consistent research has demonstrated that high conflict divorce can induce adjustment problems and increase risk of child psychopathology. For these children, school represents a safe space to thrive and develop the cognitive, social and emotional skills that can serve as a buffer and reduce the risk of adjustment difficulties and mental health problems. The aim of this presentation is to report the findings of a study that explored the experiences of teachers working with children exposed to high parental conflict before, during and after divorce/separation. Using a phenomenological framework, five school teachers were interviewed and shared their every-day experiences of teaching and caring for primary school aged students who were struggling to cope with the emotional distress related to high levels of parent stress and ongoing parental conflict associated with family breakdown. The presentation will discuss the findings that highlight the potentially damaging effects on cognitive, social and emotional development, especially in the area of executive function; and how teaching children of high conflict divorce can be professionally challenging for teachers, placing them at risk of burnout. The findings contribute to the knowledge-base of how-to best support teachers who work with children who are traumatized by prolonged levels of toxic stress characterized by the phenomenon referred to as high conflict divorce. Discussion points will include potential risks for these children including externalising disorders (e.g., aggression, drug use) and internalising disorders (e.g., depression, anxiety; academic problems (e.g., low achievement) and relationship problems for children across the lifespan. Implications for children of high conflict divorce will be outlined alongside considerations for teacher education programs; resource development to help teachers respond to and support these vulnerable children as well as inform mental health promotion in schools.
Dr Stella Laletas is an Educational and Developmental Psychologist, a Senior Lecturer at and Researcher at Monash University, School of Educational Psychology and Counselling.