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Public-Private Partnerships for Domestic Disaster & Emergency Response

Prince Room | In-Person & Virtual via OnAIR
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
11:15 AM - 11:35 AM


Dr. Emily Chapman, Public Safety Training & Response Group


Key Presentation Learnings: 1. A whole-of-nation approach to disaster and emergency management contributes to better outcomes across the emergency management cycle 2. The private sector is an integral part of a whole-of-nation approach to disaster and emergency management 3. The integration of the private sector across all levels of disaster and emergency management is progressing but needs greater commitment and investment based on the challenges that community, public, and private sectors collectively face.


Agenda Item Image
Dr. Emily Chapman
Public Safety Training & Response Group

Public-Private Partnerships for Domestic Disaster & Emergency Response


This presentation will cover the ability of the private sector to supplement the public sector (Commonwealth, state and local governments, and government emergency services) and community sectors during domestic disaster and emergency response. Drawing on existing conceptualisations of public-private partnerships (or ‘public-private-people partnerships’) in disaster and emergency management, this presentation will focus on the response and early recovery phase of disaster management. It will highlight why there is a growing need to draw on the private sector in light of the increasing occurrence and severity of natural hazards, the 2023 Defence Strategic Review which emphasises the need to use Australian Defence Force assets as a last resort for domestic disaster response, and the need for a whole-of-nation approach to disaster response to optimise post-disaster recovery.

The presentation will include international and domestic examples, learnings, and opportunities regarding private sector contributions to disaster and emergency response, including the Queensland floods experience in 2010-11, to reflect how involving the private sector can contribute to better outcomes for community and public sectors. These examples will be used to demonstrate how private sector involvement spans strategic to tactical activities, and how their involvement may address many of the barriers or issues currently face during disaster response.

The presentation will draw on research and operational examples to present key points as follows:
• private sector involvement in domestic emergency and disaster response alleviates the burden on other sectors and capabilities,
• cross-sector partnerships overcome existing response barriers, and
• the private sector contributes to innovative partnership practices for multi-jurisdictional responses and concurrent
responses (such as a pandemic overlayed with natural
• private sector contribution to disaster and emergency responses are an integral part of broader disaster management


Dr. Emily Chapman completed her PhD on civil-military interaction during Australian responses to overseas natural hazards. She has a Defence background, including deployments on Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief operations. Emily’s broad research areas focus on civil-military leadership, coordination, and interaction in disaster response settings. Emily has a broad range of research and operational experience in the Pacific region, including the Philippines, Fiji, Vanuatu, Timor-Leste and Papua New Guinea. She is currently a consultant to Public Safety Training & Response Group, a private sector emergency training and response provider.