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Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service Experiences and Lessons from the Severe Weather events Christmas and New Year 2023/2024

Prince Room | In-Person & Virtual via OnAIR
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
1:25 PM - 1:45 PM


Lois McCreddan, Gold Coast Health Service


Key Presentation Learnings: 1. A large metropolitan area can have an extended power outage and we need to plan for that. 2. community power requirements for essential medical devices can result in admission if no alternate solution predetermined. 3. Staff management during the Christmas / New Year period - including call arrangements, shut down and the ability to recall staff needs further work.


Agenda Item Image
Ms Lois Mccreddan
Director Disaster, Emergency & Business Continuity Management
Gold Coast Hospital & Health Service

Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service Experiences and Lessons from the Severe Weather events Christmas and New Year 2023/2024


Experiences and Lessons from the Christmas and New Year severe weather events. GCHHS identified multiple challenges to our planning assumptions during the severe weather events. We live in a large metropolitan area and hadn't predicted there would be an occasion where there would be an extended power outages - up to 14 days and the flow on effects requiring management. People with essential medical devices without power and no other option presented to emergency departments for assistance. These presentations then required admission to hospital for people who were not acutely unwell taking up valuable space and decreasing the available bed stock for acutely unwell patients. We also found that as time went on people with essential medical devices without power became unwell and required admission because their condition had deteriorated. We had to come up with novel arrangements to manage this cohort of people including purchasing hotel accommodation and working with our partners within the Local Disaster Management Group and the Department of Housing to secure short term accommodation. We need to capture and plan for alternate to hospital arrangements for these people.
We made arrangements for staff including spaces with hygiene facilities and accommodation in order to preserve the workforce.
We found it was difficult to recall staff from their leave due to the time of year and a lot of areas did not have on call arrangements in place to easily recall staff.
We identified that there are improvements to make with our partners around what Health can assist with during an event. We and our partners - City of Gold Coast Council and the Primary Health Network had undertaken some work with residential aged care facilities and their disaster and business continuity planning but from this incident we can see that work needs to continue.


Lois McCreddan is the Director of Disaster, Emergency and Business Continuity Managment for Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service, she has an emergency nursing background. Lois has been involved in disaster and emergency management for Health for the past 10 years across multiple states with experience in managing a number of incidents including COVID-19 and severe weather events. Lois has a keen interest in training and exercising and provides health disaster education and training across Australia and the Pacific. The most recent exercise Lois developed was a mass-casualty incident involving over 200 participants & 150 patients.