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100 Years of Community Resilience in Australia: Lessons From Australian Red Cross

Monarch Room | In-Person Only
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
2:15 PM - 2:35 PM


Andrew Coghlan, Australian Red Cross


Presentation Key Learnings: 1, What works to help communities be prepared for emergencies 2. Why some communities are more resilient than others 3. What’s needed to build community resilience into the future with climate change


Agenda Item Image
Andrew Coghlan
Head of Emergency Services
Australian Red Cross

100 years of community resilience in Australia: Lessons from Australian Red Cross


This Masterclass will enable attendees to gain an understanding of community resilience, and what drives and supports resilience before, during and after emergencies and disasters.
Australian Red Cross is a leader in resilience, with more than 100 years’ experience working with communities during times of crisis. Our comprehensive, award-winning programs are underpinned by international and national research, evidence, and best practice, and have assisted individuals, households, and communities right across Australia to prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies. Our experience and knowledge is unparalleled.
We have worked with communities that have experienced drought, bushfire, flood, cyclones, storms, earthquakes, industrial and transport accidents, mass trauma and a wide range of other emergencies and disasters. From our work with individuals, families, and community groups on the ground, and through evaluation of our work, we have gained significant insight into what drives and supports community resilience.
Our work with academic institutions such as the University of Melbourne further helps us identify what drives resilience, and to develop policies and programs that help build resilience and provide support when it is needed. In addition, we collaborate with other Red Cross organisations and the International Federation of Red Cross to incorporate community resilience experience, insights, and evidence from across the world.
Drawing on these, presenters will share their firsthand experiences of working with communities in disasters. Red Cross experts will share their experience, research, and data on community resilience to explore with attendees:
• What works to help communities be prepared for emergencies?
• Why are some communities more resilient than others?
• How are communities coping with compounding and cascading disasters?
• What’s needed to build community resilience into the future with climate change?
Attendees will gain a deep understanding of the drivers of resilience before, during and after emergencies and disasters.


Andrew brings extensive experience in the emergency management sector. His current role is Head of Emergency Services Strategy with Australian Red Cross. Andrew coordinated Red Cross response to a range of major disasters, including Cyclone Larry (2006), the Victorian Bushfires (2009) and Queensland Floods, Cyclone Yasi (2011) and the 2019/20 Bushfires. Prior to joining Red Cross, Andrew was the National Recovery Consultant with Emergency Management Australia, providing advice to both State and Federal governments following a range of emergencies and playing a key role in coordinating recovery assistance to Australians impacted by events such as the Boxing Day 2004 Tsunami.