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We Are All in This Together! – Leading Through a Decade of Disasters and the Accumulative and Severe Impact on Humanity

Tuesday, July 23, 2024
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Grand Benowa Ballroom


John Price, Deputy Chief Executive Emergency Management and Director National Emergency Management Agency Te Rākau Whakamarumaru


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John Price
Deputy Chief Executive Emergency Management and Director
National Emergency Management Agency Te Rākau Whakamarumaru

We are all in this together! – Leading through a decade of disasters and the accumulative and severe impact on humanity.


“All for one and one for all.” A motto used by The Three Musketeers in the film series. This appears to be a commentary about connection and cohesion by a small group to overcome adversity through thick and thin. However, this motto conveys a deeper statement that sits at the heart of dealing and leading through a series of disasters.
The region of Canterbury sits in the middle of the South Island of New Zealand. Over the past 13 years it has been subjected to a disproportionately high number of high-profile disasters and traumatic events, both natural and human. The recovery has been unprecedent in New Zealand. Recovery from disasters can be incredibly complex, intricate and requires a nuanced response across the whole system. This deep impact is occurring within a community where many are still feeling the consequences of the growing list of disasters and events that have occurred since 2010. With multiple disasters and events surfaces feeling and emotions that run deep into the very fabric of the community. For many in the Canterbury community this will take a lifetime, and the impact will be intergenerational. With New Zealand rated number two in the world for natural hazards there are scientific predictions of a near-future catastrophic event, and the challenge is to ensure the lessons learnt are actioned from the past for the future. The tread of vulnerability sits with our preparedness in an already fragile and emotionally fatigued community and the emergency management system. A disaster however, creates a commonality of purpose in one another, and if you give others hope, no matter the disaster, this is leadership.


John Price is Director Civil Defence Emergency Management and Deputy Chief Executive, Emergency Management, National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA). He joined NEMA in March 2023 from the New Zealand Police, where he was District Commander for Canterbury. John was made an Officer of the Most Venerable Order of St John (OStJ) in 2020 and became an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit (ONZM) in 2021. In February 2011 he was the acting Canterbury District Commander and Operations Commander for Operation Earthquake. He managed the Command and Control, Rescue and Search Phases of the 22 February Christchurch Earthquake response, as well as all major subsequent earthquakes and aftershocks. In March 2011 he was appointed the Kapiti-Mana Area Commander and in 2012 as Superintendent took on the role of National Manager of training and development for NZ Police and the Commander of the Royal NZ Police College where he led the review and development of training and education for Police. He returned to Canterbury as District Commander in 2015 and led the response to the North Canterbury/Kaikoura earthquake in 2016, the 2017 Port Hills fires and the 15 March 2019 Terrorist Attack on two Christchurch mosques. When not at NEMA, John enjoys mountain bike riding and loves to spending time with family and friends