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New Approaches to Reduce Disasters and Grow Volunteer Emergency Response

Monarch Room | In-Person Only
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
2:40 PM - 3:00 PM


Michael Nolan, Aurecon


Key Presentation Learnings:


Agenda Item Image
Mr Michael Nolan
Principal, Risk And Resilience

New approaches to reduce disasters and grow volunteer emergency response


1. Current state: majority of corporates currently have 1 day/year/person yet less than 5% of staff actually use this opportunity. One day of volunteer service does more harm than benefit in the heat of an emergency, people need training and set up to be coordinated into effective input. The proposition that Aurecon is testing is aggregating this volunteer days into a selection of committed volunteers that can devote 3 months+ to emergency management response and bring additional technical capabilities to response activities. For our organisation, this would mean we have 95% of 6,500 people days per year that could channelled into emergency management response = 6,175 days or 24 people full-time per year. This can be delivered within existing corporate policy but with care to ensure the value of the opportunity is not lost but rather enhanced through transfer of right to volunteer but with larger impact and a rotation and training of longer term volunteers. We are one of 65,000 large businesses in Australia – the potential source of strategic longer term volunteerism is significant, back of envelope estimation is well beyond 15,000 people full-time volunteers per year of spare (un-utilised capacity). How do we get better at this as corporates addressing the EM volunteer shortfall – in a smarter way.


Michael Nolan, Principal, Climate Risk and Resilience Michael has 30 years consulting experience (20+ nations) in climate risk, resilience and sustainability for government, private sector and infrastructure sectors. Previously, Director of the International Secretariat for the United Nations Global Compact - Cities Programme, he enabled cities and businesses to advance partnership initiatives for resilience, disaster risk reduction and social inclusion. Michael was a key contributor to: United Nations Disaster Risk Reduction - Global Methodology for Infrastructure Resilience; Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia’s rating scheme; Australian Standard AS5334 Climate Change Adaptation for Settlements and Infrastructure; Investing in Community Futures – eBook.