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Managing Aggressive or Inappropriate Public Behaviour: A psychosocial Prevention and Intervention Framework for Disaster and Emergency

Marquis Room | In-Person Only
Monday, July 22, 2024
1:25 PM - 1:55 PM


Debra Brodowski, Centre For Corporate Health


Key Presentation Learnings: 1. Insight into Rates and Impact: Attendees grasp alarming rates of aggression towards responders and its mental health impact, supported by statistics and examples, enhancing understanding of responders' challenges. 2. Comprehensive Prevention Framework: Debra introduces tailored framework incorporating evidence-based strategies from psychological and behavioral sciences, addressing public hostility risks both proactively and reactively to support responders' mental wellbeing. 3. Vital Desescalation and Support: Debra highlights importance of descalation training and intervention supports, equipping responders with tools to navigate volatile situations safely, and proactive prevention and robust recovery strategies to safeguard frontline workers' wellbeing.


Agenda Item Image
Debra Brodowski
National Manager Psychological Services
Centre for Corporate Health

Managing aggressive or inappropriate public behavior: A psychosocial prevention and intervention framework for disaster and emergency responders


The indispensable role of disaster and emergency responders is marred by a disturbing reality: a surge in incidents involving aggressive or inappropriate behavior from the public towards these essential frontline workers. In this talk, Debra Brodowski addresses the alarming rates at which responders encounter such behavior and the profound implications it holds for their mental wellbeing.

Drawing upon extensive research and practical insights, this talk offers a comprehensive psychosocial prevention and intervention framework tailored to the unique challenges faced by disaster and emergency responders. Brodowski navigates through the complexities of mitigating the risks associated with public hostility, emphasising evidence-based strategies gleaned from the forefront of psychological and behavioral sciences.

Central to the discussion is the pivotal role of descalation training that is informed by neuroscience, identified as a cornerstone in equipping responders with the necessary tools to navigate volatile situations safely and effectively. Beyond reactive measures, Brodowski delves into proactive prevention strategies, shedding light on initiatives proven to preemptively address the psychological wellbeing of responders when their interactions with the public in these heightened circumstances are a risk that can't be eliminated from their role.

Furthermore, the talk deciphers best-practice intervention supports crucial for mitigating the adverse impacts of traumatic encounters. By elucidating the components of a robust recovery process, Brodowski outlines a path for psychological strengthening for responders grappling with the aftermath of distressing incidents.

Attendees can expect an insightful exploration into the multifaceted dimensions of managing aggressive or inappropriate behavior towards disaster and emergency responders. Through a synthesis of evidence and practical recommendations, this talk aims to empower stakeholders with actionable insights to safeguard the wellbeing of those who tirelessly serve our communities in times of crisis.


Debra Brodowski, National Manager of Psychological Services at the Centre for Corporate Health, leads a seasoned team of senior psychologists. Specialising in implementing best practice psychosocial risk frameworks, she ensures workplaces across Australia are equipped to handle critical incidents and high-risk cases of mental ill-health. Debra's expertise in managing teams responding to emergencies and implementing early intervention strategies underscores her commitment to employee wellbeing. A sought-after speaker, she shares insights at national conferences, empowering organisations with effective prevention and intervention strategies. With a focus on promoting resilience, Debra's dedication to enhancing workplace wellbeing shines through her impactful contributions and leadership.