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Improving Access to Justice for First Nations Families in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia

Room 4: In-Person Only
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
8:55 AM - 9:15 AM
Room 4


Kirsty Maylin & Dwayne Coulthard, Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (FCFCOA)


Dwayne Coulthard
Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia

Improving Access to Justice for First Nations Families in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia

8:55 AM - 9:15 AM


Abstract coming soon...


Bio coming soon...
Kirsty Maylin
Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia

Improving Access to Justice for First Nations Families in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia

8:55 AM - 9:15 AM


Abstract coming soon..


Bio coming soon...
Hayley Foster
Director of Family Violence and Access, Equity and Inclusion
Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia

Improving Access to Justice for First Nations Families in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia


The Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (‘FCFCoA’) acknowledges the unique cultural and historical barriers for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families in accessing the Family Law Courts and services. In recognition of these barriers, the FCFCoA have employed Indigenous Family Liaison Officers (‘IFLO’) to assist with engagement. The role of an IFLO is to assist and support families navigate the court process for greater access to justice in the hope that this would present an alternative to state and territory child protection/safety departments.

This presentation will provide an overview of the ways in which the IFLOs role are increasing engagement and reducing barriers by referral to culturally appropriate support services to help deliver the best outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.

One effective strategy to counter this cycle and pre-empt child protection authority intervention is for family and kin to proactively file for safe alternative 'live with' and 'care' arrangements within their communities through the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (‘FCFCOA’).
Since 2021, 15 Indigenous Family Liaison Officers (IFLOs) have been appointed to the FCFCOA to assist and support communities in exercising their rights within the family law system. These IFLOs help families navigate the court process to achieve self-determined outcomes that prioritise the best interests of their children.

Join Kirsty Maylin and Dwayne Coulthard, leaders from the IFLO team, as they share de-identified success stories of working with families to secure better outcomes for their children. They will also discuss ongoing efforts to improve court processes and outcomes for all involved.

Key Learnings:

1. Understanding the Role of the Indigenous Family Liaison Officer in the FCFCOA:
Learn how Indigenous Family Liaison Officers assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families in navigating the family court system, increasing engagement, and reducing barriers through culturally appropriate support services.

2. Effective Legal Strategies for Families:
Discover proactive legal strategies that families can use to prevent child protection interventions by filing for safe 'live with' and 'care' arrangements within their communities through the FCFCOA.

3. Success Stories and Ongoing Efforts:
Hear de-identified success stories from IFLO leaders and learn about ongoing efforts to improve court processes and outcomes for First Nations families, highlighting practical examples and future initiatives.

