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Conference Opening

Monday, August 26, 2024
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM



Welcome to Country

Conference Housekeeping
Sam Stewart, CEO, Association for Sustainability in Business

Conference Chair Welcome
Dr Allan Dale, James Cook University, Conference Chair

Local Government Welcome
Mayor Daniel Scott,
Mayor City of Karratha

Pilbara Development Corporation Welcome
Terry Hill, Chair, Pilbara Development Commission

Mining the Future: How WA’s Resources Sector Can Be Part of Our DNA for Generations
Rebecca Tomkinson, Chief Executive, The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia

Northern RDA Alliance – Priorities and Opportunities for the North
Prof Hurriyet Babacan AM, Chair, Regional Development Australia Tropical North
Jackie Brooks, Board Member, RDA Mid West & Gascoyne

8 Years in the North – a Financial Journey
Tracey Hayes, Chair of Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility Board

Research De-Risking Development: CRC for Developing Northern Australia
Sheriden Morris, Chair: CRC for Developing Northern Australia Board

Update on Indigenous Reference Group
Colin Saltmere, Chairperson, Northern Australia Indigenous Reference Group (IRG)


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Professor Hurriyet Babacan AM
Professorial Fellow, Chair Regional Development Australia
The Cairns Institute, James Cook University

Northern RDA Alliance – Priorities and Opportunities for the North


Professor Hurriyet Babacan has a distinguished career over the last 25 years with a proven track record of achievement in senior leadership and strategic management roles. She has a distinguished record in scholarship in research, teaching and learning and community and professional service. She has held senior roles in higher education, public administration, and research and training such as Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic and Research), Dean, Head of School and Director of research Institutes. She was the Foundation Director of the Cairns Institute (2009-2012) and Director of the Institute for Community, Engagement and Policy Alternatives at Victoria University. In the public sector she has held roles such as Victorian Manager, Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Executive Director Community Outcomes Branch in the Department of Premier and Cabinet, Commissioner with the inaugural Multicultural Commission and CEO of Tablelands Regional Council. Professor Babacan brings extensive track record of leading multidisciplinary research in Australia and the Asia Pacific. Hurriyet has published widely in national and international publications relating to economic and social development including two publications for UNESCO. She has delivered keynote presentations at numerous national and international conferences. She has been Convenor or Steering Committee member of numerous high level conferences including the United Nations- Queensland Government Conference on Engaging Communities. Professor Babacan has been an expert member on numerous departmental and international working parties including the Council of Europe/OECD working party on wellbeing and Ministerial or Premier’s advisory committees relating to women, immigration and settlement, child protection, economic development, employment and education, multiculturalism, equal opportunity and regional development. Professor Babacan is a reviewer for the Australian Research Council. She is also editorial board member or reviewer for numerous international journals. Professor Babacan has been recognised for her work through a number of awards including the Order of Australia 2014 (AM) for outstanding contribution, as academic and author, and for furthering multicultural community, education and social policy development; Bi-Centenary Medal awarded by the Prime Minister, 2002 and the Multicultural Services Award by the Premier of Queensland. Hurriyet was the Queensland State Finalist in the Telstra Business Women’s Award in the for Community and Public Service category in 2003. Professor Babacan name has been listed in the Australian Women’s Archives as recognition of women who have contributed to Australia
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Jackie Brooks
Board Member
RDA Mid West & Gascoyne

Northern RDA Alliance – Priorities and Opportunities for the North


Jackie Brooks is a dynamic figure at the forefront of regional development and tourism in Australia's Northwest. With a wealth of experience, she serves as a board member for Regional Development Australia Mid West Gascoyne, Deputy Shire President for Exmouth, and Secretary of the Exmouth Chamber of Commerce. Additionally, she directs the esteemed Ningaloo Lodge, a boutique accommodation business, and chairs the Regional Tourism Organisation, Australia's Coral Coast. Jackie's expertise spans tourism, marketing, and economic diversification, honed through successful ventures in Broome and Exmouth. Passionate about fostering tourism and aviation connectivity, she champions economic growth in Northern Australia.
Sam Stewart
Association for Sustainabiity in Business

Conference Housekeeping

12:45 PM - 12:55 PM


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Professor Allan Dale
Professor of Tropical Regional Development
Cairns Institute, JCU

Conference Chair Welcome

12:55 PM - 1:00 PM


Allan Dale is a Professor of Tropical Regional Development at The Cairns Institute, James Cook University and an Honorary Professorial Research Fellow with Charles Darwin University’s Northern Institute. He is also the Chair of Regional Development Australia Far North Queensland and Torres Strait Inc. Allan has a strong interest in integrated governance, with a particular focus across the tropical world and in northern Australia. He has both extensive research and policy expertise in building strong governance systems, but particularly in regional development and natural resource management. Allan was previously the CEO of Terrain NRM from 2005 to 2010 and has held executive and management roles within the Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines and the Department of Community Services (Social Impact Assessment Unit). He also has global experience in respect to the social impact assessment of development. While Allan originally grew up north of Cairns, having started his career as an agricultural scientist, his doctoral work explored rural development in remote Indigenous communities and he has long working relationships with Traditional Owner groups throughout Cape York Peninsula, Torres Strait and the Gulf. After spending the last 10 years in Babinda, Allan and his family now reside in the Speewah area west of Kuranda.
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Daniel Scott
City of Karratha

Local Government Welcome

1:00 PM - 1:10 PM


Mayor Scott was born and raised in the Pilbara, spending his childhood in Dampier and the last 14 years in Karratha. He is the Director of North West Brewing Company and has served as a City of Karratha Councillor for the past 8 years and was recently elected as Karratha’s first publicly elected Mayor. He has a rich background in Economic Development, Strategic Planning, and Community Engagement. Mayor Scott’s understanding of the Pilbara's unique landscape is enhanced by his appreciation for its potential in driving economic prosperity and diversification, and his commitment to the Pilbara community is shown through his active involvement in local initiatives, highlighting his community-focused mindset. Mayor Scott’s vision for the Pilbara includes its economic transformation and the enhancement of its liveability and sustainability, promising a future where the region is recognised for its dynamic, diversified economy and vibrant community life.
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Rebecca Tomkinson
Chief Executive
The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia

Mining the Future: How WA’s Resources Sector Can Be Part of Our DNA for Generations

1:20 PM - 1:40 PM


Aside from the enormous potential for large-scale renewable energy projects in northern Australia, what does decarbonisation mean for local communities in WA’s north? State and federal government initiatives like the $140 million investment to build a Pilbara hydrogen hub provide opportunities to build on the local workforce, which already represents up to 50 per cent of onsite mining employment in WA.

Australia is a mineral-rich country, with Western Australia’s mining and resources industries powering our state and national economies. But what lies ahead for the sector that supports 65 per cent of jobs, more than 900 local businesses, 421 community organisations and eight local governments in the Kimberley and Pilbara alone?

A larger workforce in our regional areas means a greater need for the essential services, facilities and social amenities that attract families and create a community. The confluence of urgent global need for our resources, exponential advances in new technology and innovation, and a more opportunities in STEM careers means the resources sector could be part of our DNA for generations to come.

Join CEO of The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of WA, Rebecca Tomkinson, as she discusses northern WA’s role in resourcing the push to net zero and the step-changes taking place in the state’s mining industry as it responds to government policy reforms and global market volatility. With the global energy transition as a backdrop, can we seize this opportunity to advance the industry’s longevity and establish a lasting legacy?


Rebecca Tomkinson is the Chief Executive Officer of The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME), the peak resources sector representative body in Western Australia. Immediately prior to joining the CME Rebecca was the Chief Executive Officer of the Royal Flying Doctor Service in WA. In her early career Rebecca worked in local, state and federal government before transitioning to executive roles in the corporate and community benefit sectors. Raised in regional WA, Rebecca is deeply committed to the social and economic development of the state and the promotion of its unique and critical role nationally and globally. Rebecca is a current board member of Infrastructure WA, Crown Perth, the Perth USAsia Centre and the AROSE International Space Council (AISC). She is also Chair of the Government's Future Health Research and Innovation Fund Advisory Council.
Ms Sonja Johnson
RDA Tropical North

RDA Alliance Welcome

1:40 PM - 1:50 PM


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Tracey Hayes
Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility Board

8 Years in the North – A Financial Journey

1:50 PM - 2:00 PM


The Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF) has been a key government pillar in the development of northern Australia. With eight years of experience in project finance NAIF has helped 31 projects across the north and played a key role in advancing new industries, providing public benefit through its finance, and ensuring strong outcomes for indigenous communities.

Drawing from these years of experience, NAIF understands the needs of infrastructure development to unlock the full potential of northern Australia while ensuring long-term sustainability. As we look ahead, we recognise the need for an innovative investment approach to infrastructure planning and execution incorporating and understanding key elements such as renewable energy, sustainable practices, inclusivity, resilience, and economic prosperity.

Join us as we delve into NAIF's key achievements, showcasing innovative strategies, transformative projects, and impactful partnerships all aimed at driving positive change in northern Australia.


Tracey Hayes is an esteemed leader in business across northern Australia, recognised both nationally and internationally. As the first female CEO of the Northern Territory Cattlemen’s Association, she led initiatives that shaped the billion-dollar NT pastoral industry. Her remarkable leadership earned her recognition from the Governor General and membership in the Order of Australia Honours Council. Additionally, Tracey served as Chair of a Government Statutory Authority and was a founding board member of the Cooperative Research Centre for northern Australia. Her commitment to fostering international relationships is evident through her involvement on the board of the Australia Indonesia Institute, aimed at strengthening ties between the two countries. She also played a key advisory role in the National Resilience and Recovery Agency, showcasing her dedication to national resilience efforts. Currently serving as the Head of Corporate Affairs Australia at AAM, a prominent $1B Australian-owned operator, Tracey continues to make an impact in the agricultural industry. Concurrently, she holds the position of Federations Board Chair for the Royal Flying Doctors, underscoring her dedication to serving regional Australia. With extensive experience across infrastructure, health, and agriculture sectors, Tracey Hayes is a respected leader dedicated to advancing regional development and prosperity.
Sheridan Morris
CRC for Developing Northern Australia

CRCNA - Research De-Risking Development

2:00 PM - 2:10 PM


At the CRCNA, we understand how important it is to sustainably develop Northern Australia through collaborative and evidenced based research. We’re a team that’s based in the north and working with Northern Australians to contribute to a future we can all be proud of. We understand the north’s unique operating environment and are ensuring our best assets - our people and land, sea and water, thrives through inclusive, sustainable and nature positive development.
CRCNA investments extend right across Northern Australia, and the Pilbara region where research into aquaculture, agriculture and health, in partnership with First Nations people, is helping to de-risk investment that’s creating more resilient and diversified economies for regional, rural and remote areas of Northern Australia.


Sheriden Morris is a strong advocate for Northern Australia, who grew up in the Northern Territory and now lives in Babinda in Far North Queensland. Sheriden’s career began in tropical agronomy and has spanned across sugar, banana, aquaculture, environmental and tourism industries. Sheriden is a leader in nature positive land and water management, First Nations co-design and an innovative aid developer for Australia’s northern borderlands with Papua New Guinea. Sheriden is currently the Chair of the CRC for Developing Northern Australia, Managing Director of the Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, and Deputy Chair of Citizens of the Great Barrier Reef. She’s previously held senior roles at CSIRO and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. Sheriden believes in intelligent, sustainable development for Northern Australia that leverages the region’s tropical expertise, it’s people and natural assets.
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Colin Saltmere AM
Northern Australia Indigenous Reference Group (IRG)

Presentation by Colin Saltmere AM

2:10 PM - 2:20 PM


Colin Saltmere (“Beo”) is a senior Indjalandji-Dhidhanu traditional owner of the Camooweal region in North-West Queensland, and the Managing Director of the Myuma Group of companies. Colin has overseen the expansion of the Myuma Group from a small corporation in the 1990s to a diverse business and service delivery operation employing more than 160 full-time staff of which 85% are Indigenous. Colin served as ATSIC Regional Council Chairperson and Councillor for the Mt Isa-Gulf Region from 1994 to 1999. The Myuma Group delivers: award-winning civil and mining prevocational training program for mining companies with over 2100 Indigenous graduates to date of which 97% transitioned to employment; the Community Development Program in four regions in Queensland and Northern Territory; Job Active services in Mount Isa, ranger programs across western Queensland working with 15 traditional owner groups; as well as operating a successful contracting business, prequalified for civil and road construction with ISO accreditation. One of the Myuma Group entities, Bulugudu Ltd, has built a pilot spinifex biotechnology manufacturing lab at Camooweal and patented commercial applications of spinifex fibre. A spinoff company, Trioda Wilingi is the first Indigenous biotechnology company in Australia majority owned by Indjalandji-Dhidhanu people. Colin has led the establishment of the National Indigenous Science Translation Centre which will create substantial jobs and business opportunities for traditional owners throughout Australia. His expertise and knowledge in Indigenous training, economic development and land management is widely acknowledged, and he has served on a wide variety of regional, state and commonwealth leadership groups and committees. He is currently the Chairperson of the Australian Government’s Indigenous Reference Group on Northern Australia and a board member of the newly created Queensland Indigenous Business Network. In 2021, Colin was made a Member in the General Division (AM) in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for significant service to the Indigenous communities of North-West Queensland.
Terry Hill
Pilbara Development Commission Board

Pilbara Development Corporation Welcome

1:10 PM - 1:20 PM


Terry is the Chair of the Pilbara Development Commission board, previously holding the position of Chief Executive Officer for over eight years. Terry has held several senior roles in the Western Australian Government and at a national level. He has carried out the role as the Deputy Chair of the Grape and Wine Research and Development Corporation and was a foundation Director of Horticulture Australia Ltd. He has also worked Internationally, leading a significant project in Indonesia, industry trade missions to Asia and managing the commercialisation of intellectual property. The opportunity to work closely with industry and businesses to ‘support their successes’ has always been a strong focus in his career. Terry Hill is a passionate, knowledgeable, and committed leader and advocate for the Pilbara, building strong networks and initiating the development of some very significant.