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Research De-Risking Development: CRC for Developing Northern Australia

Monday, August 26, 2024
2:00 PM - 2:10 PM


Sheriden Morris, Chair: CRC for Developing Northern Australia Board


Agenda Item Image
Sheriden Morris
CRC for Developing Northern Australia

Research De-Risking Development: CRC for Developing Northern Australia

2:00 PM - 2:10 PM


At the CRCNA, we understand how important it is to sustainably develop Northern Australia through collaborative and evidenced based research. We’re a team that’s based in the north and working with Northern Australians to contribute to a future we can all be proud of. We understand the north’s unique operating environment and are ensuring our best assets - our people and land, sea and water, thrives through inclusive, sustainable and nature positive development.

CRCNA investments extend right across Northern Australia, and the Pilbara region where research into aquaculture, agriculture and health, in partnership with First Nations people, is helping to de-risk investment that’s creating more resilient and diversified economies for regional, rural and remote areas of Northern Australia.


Sheriden Morris is a strong advocate for Northern Australia, who grew up in the Northern Territory and now lives in Babinda in Far North Queensland. Sheriden’s career began in tropical agronomy and has spanned across sugar, banana, aquaculture, environmental and tourism industries. Sheriden is a leader in nature positive land and water management, First Nations co-design and an innovative aid developer for Australia’s northern borderlands with Papua New Guinea. Sheriden is currently the Chair of the CRC for Developing Northern Australia, Managing Director of the Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, and Deputy Chair of Citizens of the Great Barrier Reef. She’s previously held senior roles at CSIRO and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. Sheriden believes in intelligent, sustainable development for Northern Australia that leverages the region’s tropical expertise, it’s people and natural assets.