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2024 Regional Telecommunications Review

Tuesday, August 27, 2024
1:30 PM - 1:50 PM


The Hon Alannah MacTiernan, Regional Telecommunications Independent Review Committee


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The Hon Alannah MacTiernan
Regional Telecommunications Independent Review Committee

2024 Regional Telecommunications Review


The Regional Telecommunications Review occurs every 3 years and examines the existing and future telecommunication needs in regional, rural and remote communities across Australia. This review is focusing on modernising the Universal Service Obligations, the role of emerging technologies and the special needs of First Nations communities are also in the spotlight.
Since March 2024, the Committee has met with communities across Australia through face-to-face consultations to hear about their experiences in accessing and using telecommunications services as well as meeting with industry, regulators and consumer advocates.
This presentation will share insights from the consultations undertaken by the Committee.


The Hon Alannah MacTiernan served in State, Federal and local government for 30 years, including 13 years as a Minister in the WA Government. As WA Minister for Regional Development (2017-2022), Alannah had responsibility for WA’s Regional Telecommunications programmes. Alannah currently works in Industry on GreenSteel and Rare Earth Projects.