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Yalu on a Mission to Enable Place-Based Solutions in a Seriously Remote Island and Thrive

Silent Conferencing
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
4:40 PM - 5:00 PM


Mrs Anahita Tonkin, Ms Evelyn Djotja & Mr Cyril Bukulatjpi, Yalu Aboriginal Corporation


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Mrs Anahita Tonkin
Yalu Aboriginal Corporation

Yalu on a mission to enable place-based solutions in a seriously remote island and thrive


Yalu Aboriginal Corporation is delivering solutions in the areas of Research, Community and Cultural programs and Children and Family services. Yalu means nest or place of nurture and our core focus is the nurturing of children and young people as the next generation of leaders. We do this by delivering placed based, fit for purpose, Yolngu (Indigenous) appropriate and driven programs to the community by our team who our 97% Yolngu. Our head office is based in Galiwinku and we operate out of 4 communities in total in the East Arnhem footprint. We currently have over 61 team members with 58 being Indigenous. Our Board of Directors are 100% Yolngu whereby 50% are under the age of 30. This has been made possible by the tremendous leadership of our Board and Executive team over the years which has ensured ongoing succession of each team member into roles with higher responsibilities. We are serious on strengthening the capacity of our team and ensure the continuous support, training, education and opportunities of the team. We believe we are a true model of what an Indigenous Organisation in a remote space looks like.

We have big plans to grow and build the first of its kind development in Galiwinku. Our plans will positively impact generations to come and ensure cultural practices, language, lore and gurrutu (kinship) thrives. Our organisational history is a long one however in our current form we have existed for just over 5 years. We have experienced the impacts of colonisation, discrimination, distrust, financial hardship and the list goes on, however we are committed and determined to thrive.

In our presentation we will step through our story, explain our strategy and show our plans to make impacts that will be monumental for the region and Northern Australia as a whole.


Anahita comes from a background spanning 19 years working alongside profit for purpose organisations, Government, universities and remote Indigenous communities across Australia and beyond in fields of community development consultancy, grass roots leadership, governance, business sustainability and growth modelling. Her time at Yalu spans over 5 years and as CEO role since January 2021. To date Yalu has had tremendous success with a continued trajectory of growth including substantial developments in Galiwinku. She will walk alongside Yolŋu continuously strengthening current models and capacity ensuring Yalu are advocating and delivering fit for purpose solutions across its scope as a Yolŋu organisation.