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Sustainability Isn't A Solo Journey - It's A Collective Action

Silent Conferencing
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
2:20 PM - 2:40 PM


Carl Askew, Town Of Port Hedland


Agenda Item Image
Carl Askew
Chief Executive Officer
Town Of Port Hedland

Sustainability isn't a solo journey - it's a collective action


The Town of Port Hedland is forging a path towards sustainability by focusing on collective action across all those that play a role in developing a sustainable future for its community. The Town has started by establishing a clear framework for success with its Sustainability Strategy, Waste Management and Solar Strategies developed and endorsed by Council.
It has then worked to partner with those that are best suited to make a real difference in the community, empowering individuals and organisations to drive their own success. This has included partnering with community groups and developing agreements with key performance indicators that reflect the objectives in the over-arching frameworks.
The third crucial step is the Town resourcing collective action internally and taking a leadership approach in the areas where it has a responsibility, such as integrating sustainability into building design, establishment of solar, investing in a resource recovery centre and integrating EVs into its fleet.
The Town’s vision is to create a sustainable, thriving and resilient future for the diverse Hedland community. Collective action has emerged as the winning strategy to create a sustainable outcome that is greater than the sum of its parts.


Carl has a long career in Local Government and was appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Town of Port Hedland in February 2020. Carl has over 21 years of senior management and leadership experience, delivering positive change to communities across Western Australia. He was CEO of the Town of Cottesloe from 2009 to 2015 and Executive Director of Community Services of the City of Armadale from 2004 to 2009. Carl has extensive experience leading Council operations across governance, infrastructure, community development and corporate services.