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Transforming the Lifecycle of Mining for the Better

Tuesday, August 27, 2024
8:35 AM - 8:50 AM


Dr Guy Boggs, Chief Executive Officer, Cooperative Research Centre for Transformations in Mining Economies


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Dr Guy Boggs
Cooperative Research Centre for Transformations in Mining Economies

Transforming the Lifecycle of Mining for the Better


What is the contemporary lifecycle of mining? We place effort into discovering the next big resource. We take time to get the necessary investment and approvals in place. We experience the first ore being taken to market and the influx of local jobs. We reap the benefits of the community and economic value that follows. But what comes next is often the surreal silence of a mill that has run for decades and a transition journey for the community which is too commonly defined by uncertainty, a sense of loss and negative legacies.

The lifecycle of mining is complex and everchanging. The shifts that occur to regional economies, natural environments and local communities throughout mine life require a dedicated understanding.
Transforming the lifecycle of mining needs to balance the interests of multiple stakeholder groups. We can achieve this through collaboration and understanding each other’s values, integrating long term outcomes into short term decision making, facilitating asset and acceptable risk transitions, and supporting technological innovation. Enabling this approach to transformation will ensure positive post mine legacies are the status quo.

Northern Australia has a strong and vibrant mining economy. Mines of global significance are going through closure whilst a simultaneous boom in mining and renewable energy projects define the region.
This presentation will challenge us to reconsider the current lifecycle of mining as we draw on a world-renowned research program to share potential solutions and tools for transforming the lifecycle of mining for the better.


Guy is the CEO of the Cooperative Research Centre for Transformations in Mining Economies (CRC TiME), a platform that is independent, collaborative, solutions focused and brings together a unique partnership of stakeholders to innovate in how we achieve enduring value through mine closure and post-mine transitions. Guy is an established industry and research leader and is committed to enabling a new vision for mine closure and positive post mine transitions through effective stakeholder engagement, research planning and innovative solutions.