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Addressing Youth Suicide. Adapting Service Provision to Meet Community Demand

Ballroom 1 - In Person & Online
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
1:55 PM - 2:15 PM


Dr Michelle Kehoe & Dr Angela Wright, Alfred Health


Presentation Key Learnings 1. Understanding the needs of suicidal youth 2. Adapting service provision to meet those individual needs 3. Overcoming implementation challenges when faced with conflicting expectations


Dr Michelle Kehoe
Research and Evaluation
Alfred Health

Addressing youth suicide. Adapting service provision to meet community demand.


Youth Suicide is the leading cause of death in young Australian’s aged 15 to 24 years with rates increasing, for some, 3-fold over the past 10 years. Across Victoria, the adult HOPE (Hospital Outreach Post-Suicide Engagement) service has been successful in caring for adults in the immediate aftermath of a suicide attempt or as a result of suicidal ideation. In late 2021 there was a planned expansion of this service to include children and adolescents. Following an extensive co-design The Alfred Child and Youth HOPE service commenced in February 2022. The Alfred Child and Youth HOPE team offers 3-months of intense support for young people aged 26 years and under post suicide attempt or due to suicidal ideation. The approach incorporates a multi-disciplinary, outreach team incorporating both youth and family peer workers as a part of the core team. Despite the extensive co-design process staff faced multiple challenges in implementing the new service. One of the major challenges was a mismatch in expectation around the type of clients the team thought they would be supporting compared to those who needed support. This presentation focuses on the views of the CY HOPE staff tasked with the implementation of this new initiative. The presentation will discuss how the team adapted service provision to meet the individual and often unique needs of young people highlighting the need for a flexible approach. There will also be advice to service providers on ways to overcome operational challenges whilst addressing growing and often competing demands.


Michelle Kehoe is an Evaluation and Research Development Officer at headspace and the Child and Youth Mental Health Service in South-East Melbourne. She also lectures in the Occupational Therapy department at Monash University. She has worked in research for over 10 years primarily developing and conducting research projects on mental health programs for both adults and young people. She has a keen interest in evidence-based interventions which improve outcomes, the involvement of lived-experience in design and development of mental health programs for young people and recovery-oriented practices.
Dr Angela Wright
Program Lead CY HOPE
Alfred Health

Addressing Youth Suicide. Adapting Service Provision to Meet Community Demand


Dr. Angela Wright is a Clinical Psychologist with over 20 years’ clinical experience of working within public mental health sector, predominantly within Child and Youth settings. She previously held a senior clinical role in the development, implementation and evaluation of the Alfred’s ‘Hospital Outreach Post-suicidal Engagement’ (Hope) team; one of the six original trial sites of this innovative approach to aftercare for adult consumers. Drawing on her experience of this successful and well-received pathway, Angela now leads Alfred Health’s Child and Youth Hope team, who provide support to children and young people who have experience suicidal crisis. This team was established following a co-design process, and is one of the four pilot sites recommended by the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System.


Julia Cutler
Senior Event Manager
AST Management

Shinade Hartman
AST Management


Michelle Kehoe
Research and Evaluation
Alfred Health

Angela Wright
Program Lead CY HOPE
Alfred Health

Session Chair

Agenda Item Image
Michael Crisci
Clinical Manger
OTFC Group

Fox Williams
headspace National Youth Reference Group Member
headspace National




