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“Meeting Where You Are” A Social and Emotional Well-being Project for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Young People

William Magarey Room
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
1:50 PM - 2:10 PM


Karen Cashman & Karen Wilcox, Reachout Australia


Agenda Item Image
Ms Karen Cashman
Senior Aboriginal Research Manager
Reachout Australia

“Meeting Where You Are” A Social and Emotional Well-being Project for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Young People


ReachOut, in partnership with Ngakkan Nyaagu (NGNY), is undertaking a major service design and innovation program, called ‘Meeting where you are’ that aims to develop a solution for youth digital social and emotional wellbeing (SEWB) services that address mental health. A key part of the delivery of this program is through an inclusive approach and by providing a cultural lens to engaging with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people on the journey to building a community-centered platform that considers Indigenous ways of being, doing and thinking.

This inclusive approach is being achieved through the partnership between ReachOut and NGNY via establishing culturally considered approaches and developing internal capability through learning, participation and engagement. This approach aims to support ReachOut to continue to develop its capacity to understand and be appropriately inclusive with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. Developing an internal approach to understanding, engagement and participation with young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is understood as a pillar to progress towards a considered and more sustainable outward approach.

We continue to progress this co-designed project that aims to deliver an innovative and culturally-safe social media campaign as well as supporting online resources to promote the SEWB of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people. This project is designed to continue to listen to the voices and understand the behaviors of young Aboriginal and Torres Islander people so that SEWB support is responsive to the changing needs of our communities in an ever evolving world.


Karen Cashman is a Wiradjuri woman and the Senior Aboriginal Research Manager for ReachOut Australia. Karen has a Master’s in Public Health, a Degree in Social Health and Wellbeing and Advanced Diploma: Community management. Karen is the lead for the Aboriginal Social Emotional Wellbeing project at ReachOut and has been involved in research in the Aboriginal community on and off over the last 23 years.